Steam generation plays an important role in overall process & product manufacturing. The steam generation is dependent on the Boiler Health. Healthy boiler leads to increase the life of our boiler. Hence to improve the health of our boiler, we are introducing a ‘Chemical Dosing System’.
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- The System includes Skied Mounted Unit with a smart microprocessor based Controller for monitoring and controlling the Feed water parameters. The same System can also be used to control the boiler blow down based on the TDS.
- The presence of oxygen in Feed water depends on the Water Temperature. As we know higher the Feed Water temperature, lower the oxygen level in the water and Vice Versa. We need to maintain the low level of oxygen into the water as more amount of oxygen leads to corrosion of metals. Hence we measure the feed tank temperature and give the signal to our controller and accordingly control the dosing of Oxygen scavenger.
- A sample is taken out from the Feed Water tank to temperature sensor through sample cooler. The sample cooler has a cooling water supply to cool the sample by circulating it around the sample. The temperature sensor placed after it will sense the temperature. This signal is then given to controller. If the temperature is below the set point, controller will operate the 3 way valve and will pass the sample to the pH sensor for measurement. If the temperature is more, it will bypass the pH sensor and will feed back to the feed tank. Once the sample reaches pH sensor, the measured signal is given to controller and according to the signal received it controls the dosing of the pH booster. If pH is below 10.5, dosing will be on.
- The dosing of the anti Scalant is dependent on the TDS measured by the TDS sensor and total blow downs done by the auto blow down system. The sensor continuously keeps monitoring the TDS of the boiler water and depending on that Auto Blow Down system drains the high TDS water from the boiler. Hence if TDS of water is high, more amount of anti Scalant will be dosed into the feed tank.
- So, we have 3 different chemical dosing depending on the quality of the water collected in the feed tank. This dosing system will dose the most adequate amount of chemicals to maintain the best quality of feed water for increased boiler efficiency and steam generation.
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