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VOLFRAM offers high efficient 3 pass internal furnace packaged solid fuel fired steam boilers.

Capable of being fired on Wood/Solid agro waste, Coal this is capable of achieving high thermal and combustion efficiencies through the optimum sizing of steam output.

Utilizing the 3 pass wet back concept the full combustion of fuel takes place within the large furnace before passing into the fully submerged wet back reversal chamber. Two passes of convection tubes then carry the hot flue gases through the two convection tube bank in the boiler and thus ensuring complete transfer of heat for steam generation and thus ensuring high efficiency.

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  • Features of Packaged Solid Fuel Boiler: The entire unit is saddle mounted, including all accessories - only connections for water, I D fan, chimney, electricity and steam outlet are required to commission the boiler.
  • Mountings & Accessories VOLFRAM Boilers: Re fitted with mounting and accessories of international repute and standards, the feed water pumps are the vertical multistage SS pumps.
  • Truly packaged type: The Boiler Comes Pre-wired & pre-insulated from the factory itself reducing the site work & cost of site activities.
  • Centrally Located Furnace: This ensures no tubes in cold zone & enhances effective heat transfer resulting into lower start up time.
  • Better Response to Fluctuating Loads: The higher steam space inside the boiler results in better response to Fluctuating steam loads.
  • TDS based Automatic Boiler Blow down: The boiler is provided with TDS based automatic boiler blow down system which ensures optimum blow down from the boiler.


  • TDS based Automatic Boiler Blow down: The boiler is provided with TDS based automatic boiler blow down system which ensures optimum blow down from the boiler.
  • Capacity Range: From 1000 kg/hr to 5000 kg/hr.
  • Standard Design Pressure:
    • 10.54 kg/cm2 (g), 14 kg/cm2 (g), 17.5 kg/cm2 (g) & 21 kg/cm2 (g)
    • VOLFRAM offers complete package for the Boiler House consisting of
    • Self Operated PRV has high turn down ratio due to which it responses well to the fluctuating loads.
  • Chimney
    • Pollution control equipmentsv
    • Piping (IBR/NIBR)v
    • Feed water tank with accessoriesv
    • On site IBR formalitiesv

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