VOLFRAM offers Steam Control Valve for Steam and Compressed Air.
Nominal valve sizes ½” to 10” (15 to 250 mm) Pressure ratings ANSI Class 125 to 300
Temperatures − 320 °F to +800 °F (− 196 °C to +427 °C)
The Steam control valves consist of a body with trim, bonnet and pneumatic actuator, optionally with metal bellows or insulating extension. The valves may be also equipped with electric, electro-hydraulic, or hand-operated actuators, as well as control accessories and other instrumentation.
Features of Steam Control Valve
- Modular design, rugged and heavy duty construction, full range of body and trim materials
- One-piece ultra-rigid valve bonnet and yoke up to size 6”
- Field retrofit table extension bonnets and metal bellows seals
- Many configurations, e.g. Cryogenic or 'Lethal service'
- Self-adjusting, live-loaded PTFE V-ring stuffing box
- Port-guided V-port asymmetric plugs above CV 20 standard
- Excellent dynamic response and high trim stability
- Self-locking seats, exchangeable for various CV values
- Low height, reversible, multi-spring/rolling diaphragm actuatorComplete selection of actuators options, positioners and Steam Control Valve accessories
Standard Versions
- Body ASTM Cast A 126 Cl. B, A 216 WCB, A 351 CF8M, alter-natively Forged A105 or A 182 F316
- End connections ANSI Class 125 with FF-Flanges, Class 250 Female threaded NPT, Class 150 or 300 with RF-Flanges
- Packing PTFE V-ring spring-loaded/self-adjusting, temperature range 15 °F to 430 °F (− 10 °C to + 220 °C)
- Trim equal percentage characteristic, metal-to-metal seal